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Tag Archives: strategic insights

Strategic Insights for your Oakville Campaign

Strategic Insights for your Oakville Campaign

The ROI that Oakville based companies get from video production marketing is well worth the time and money invested. That said, strategic planning is the key to whether a video marketing campaign will be a success or a failure. An important ingredient for putting together a great video marketing strategy is keeping up to date on industry analytics and trends. If you’re currently planning out a video ad or marketing campaign for your company, one recent study conducted by Yahoo (in partnership with Nielsen & Hunter Qualitative) is definitely worth the read. This study examines what concepts and production elements make certain ads perform better than others in any given campaign. It reveals some very interesting strategic insights that may help you in the planning of your own campaign. Below we’ve outlined the 3 most important takeaways from this study:

Proper Mobile Alignment:
• According to Yahoo’s research, ads need to be optimized for screen alignment. In other words, viewing a landscape ad horizontally compared to vertically, can increase brand affinity by 20% and lift purchase intent by 33%. Viewing a portrait ad vertically compared to horizontally can increase brand affinity by 80% and lift purchase intent by up to 100%.

Auto-start native video ads:
• Compared to industry standard pre-roll video ads, the study shows that auto-start video ads in native environments (blogs, articles, etc.) achieve 51% higher aided recall (memory retention of the ad), 10% higher brand familiarity, and 4% brand affinity.
• Comedic ads have proven to drive a 50% lift in brand familiarity with Millennials, compared to overall viewers.
• Dramatic or emotional ads cause a 33% lift in brand affinity with Millennials.
• Informational ads have proven to drive a 31% lift in purchase intent.

These results show that fairly simple items can have a dramatic effect on video production marketing campaigns and important demographics. This is why research and strategic planning is one of the keys to video victory. A short cut here is to hire a professional Oakville video production company like Groovy Concepts to produce your content. On top of producing highly engaging content, a professional video production company should be well versed in the latest industry analytics and trends and will be able to provide consultation to help you get the most out of all your video marketing campaigns.